VideoConference: Doing business in Bangladesh amid the corona pandemic
09. Dezember 2020, Video Conference
The Covid-19 pandemic affected Bangladesh severely and clearly shows how fragile the economic success of the past 10 years has been. In April, the government passed aid packages for the low-income population and businesses worth 12 billion USD and the Asia Development Bank also launched Covid-19 related programs. The economy has quickly recovered after the lockdown was lifted, yet at the end of September, Bangladesh was still the 12th hardest hit country in the world with over 360,000 reported cases. How will the economy of Bangladesh recover? How do German companies deal with the current situation in Bangladesh?
To provide you with insights, we cordially invite you to our VideoConferece: "Doing business in Bangladesh during the corona pandemic". The digital discussion round is intended to shed light on different economic sectors in Bangladesh and their effective response to the pandemic.
During the session, the German Embassy in Dhaka will give a short overview about the current situation. Following, Jan Moritz, Chairman of OAV Country Commitee Bangladesh, will present how the textile industry deals with the repercussions of the crisis. Moreover, representatives of the German Business Council Bangladesh (GBC) from Commerzbank AG, BASF Bangladesh, Fichtner GmbH & Co. KG, and BayerCrop Science Limited will share insights how German-Bangladeshi cooperation works in practice and what companies interested in exploring business opportunities need to know.
We look forward to your active participation in an open discussion among the participants.