OAV/GHA Working Group Healthcare on Southeast Asia
29. März 2022, Online
The healthcare markets in the Southeast Asian countries are growing dynamically and offer lots of opportunities. But they are considered to be rather challenging to enter. With the next session of our joint working group we want to provide practical advice and insights into the healthcare market of four Southeast Asian countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam.
Southeast Asia is likely the most diverse region of the world, which can also be seen regarding the healthcare industry. Most countries have a comparatively young population – but there are also others like Thailand, where the average age has already surpassed 40 years. This means products and services of all ranges are needed and the rising middle class is especially willing to travel within the region for medical treatments – a trend that will increase within the next years. Also, the covid-pandemic has laid bare the deficiencies of the region’s healthcare systems and put pressure for reform on governments.
There is no “one size fits all approach” to Southeast Asia and companies need to find a strategy to cope with this heterogeneous region and its many peculiarities. To help with this we have invited practitioners of the four above-mentioned countries that will share their knowledge with you and provide practical advice.
The meeting will be held in English. Please find the programme here and the link to the registration here.
If you have any questions or additional agenda topics, please contact Rajani Sabanantham (sabanantham@gha.health) or Daniel Müller (mueller@oav.de).
We are very much looking forward to the exchange with you!