2. OAV Young Leaders Sustainability Round Table
24. Mai 2022, Online
The Sustainability Roundtable Kickoff event took place on 1 February 2022. Our keynote speaker Matthias Berninger, Executive Vice President Public Affairs, Science and Sustainability, BAYER AG, provided us with great insights on the spectrum of business challenges and opportunities related to sustainability goals. In an open discussion round we explored the various issues businesses are confronted with when dealing with questions of sustainable development.
For our 2nd Roundtable on 24 May 10:30 to 12:00 CEST, we invite you to participate in an orientation and collaboration workshop.
In an interactive session, we will detail the programme framework for our Sustainability Roundtable, based on the United Nations' 17 sustainable development goals. In preparation for the session, please reflect where your company stands in terms of Sustainability maturity and which UN Goals are most relevant to you.
By defining the core areas of interest of the OAV Young Leaders community and our respective OAV member companies, we will identify the most relevant topics to focus on in 2022 as well as which speakers to invite and much more.
Stay tuned as further details will follow prior to the event!
The 2nd Sustainability Roundtable will be moderated by Juliane Bendig (C. Melchers GmbH & Co. KG), Delip Prasad (Munich Airport International GmbH), Lea Miram (Hamburg Representation Mumbai), Bjoern Leschny (Bayer AG) and Janne Otten (Paulsen Food GmbH).
More information on the Sustainability Roundtable can be found on our website. If you want to participate in the initiative, you can contact us directly.
As we will use Mentimeter to engage with you interactively, we kindly ask you to install the App prior to the event.
We look forward to seeing you!
Participation is free of charge but requires prior registration. Please register here. A confirmation of registration and MS Teams Link will be sent to you a few days before the event.