Welcoming of the Ambassadors
We would like to introduce the newly arrived Asian Ambassadors from Japan, India and Vietnam in Berlin as well as the German Ambassador to Vietnam.

H.E. Ambassador Doan Xuan Hung
H.E. Ambassador Doan Xuan Hung was born in 1957.
He started his diplomatic career in 1980 and was assigned various positions at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam and its missions abroad, notably secretary to the Minister, Deputy Director-General of Americas Department, Chief of State Protocol, Director General of Economics Department, Assistant Minister. In July 2008, he was appointed Deputy Foreign Minister. From December 2011 to July 2015, he served as Ambassador of Vietnam to Japan. He officially took office as Ambassador of Vietnam to Germany on 10 November 2015. After taking office, H.E. Doan Xuan Hung has committed to further intensifying the strategic partnership between Vietnam and Germany, broadening deepening cooperation in all areas for the mutual interests of both countries and two peoples. He looks forward to continued cooperation with and support from the German Asia-Pacific Business Association (OAV).

H.E. Takeshi Yagi
Takeshi Yagi is the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to the Federal Republic of Germany, where he presented his Letters of Credence in February 2016.
He previously served in 2012-2015 as the Ambassador to the Republic of India and concurrently to the Kingdom of Bhutan. Yagi graduated from Tokyo University in 1977, whereupon he joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA). His foreign assignments include postings at the Embassy of Japan in Germany, the Embassy of Japan in the Republic of the Philippines, and the Embassy of Japan in the United States of America. He also held the post of Minister to the Permanent Delegation of Japan to the OECD. At MOFA he served as Director-General of the Economic Affairs Bureau and Deputy Director-General of the European Affairs Bureau. Ambassador Yagi is committed to promoting cooperation between Japan and Germany in various areas, including industrial cooperation in fields such as Industry 4.0, SMEs, and energy.

H.E. Gurjit Singh
H.E. Gurjit Singh schooled at the prestigious Mayo College, Ajmer and obtained his Bachelor's Degree with Honours in Politics at the St. Xavier's College, Kolkata.
He is a Post Graduate in International Studies from the School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. He has also attended programmes at the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, Indian Institute of Mass Communications and the Indian School of Business. Appointed to the Indian Foreign Service in 1980, he has served in Indian Missions in Tokyo (twice), Colombo, Nairobi, Rome and was the Ambassador of India to Ethiopia, Djibouti, the Representative of India to the African Union, the Economic Commission for Africa and IGAD. He was the Sherpa for the first two India-Africa Forum Summits. Before his current assignment, he served as the Ambassador of India to Indonesia, ASEAN and Timor-Leste.
He is the author of “The Abalone Factor” on India-Japan business relations, “The Injera and the Paratha” on India and Ethiopia and “Masala Bumbu” on India-Indonesia relationship. He has also written a comic “Travels Through Time” on the India-Indonesia engagement. He is married to Mrs Neeru Singh, an international civil servant. They have two children.
Carl Georg Christian Berger
Carl Georg Christian Berger begann seine diplomatische Laufbahn1986.
Nach dem Vorbereitungsdienst für den höheren Auswärtigen Dienst arbeitete er 1988-1990 als Europareferent im Minister-
büro und später als Presse- und Kulturreferent an der Botschaft Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Weitere, multilaterale Stationen waren die Ständige Vertretung bei der Nato sowie bei der EU in Brüssel. Dem Einsatz als Botschafter in Laos folgten drei Jahre als Referatsleiter Südostasien, ehe er 2007-2012 als Botschafter in Ecuador und anschließend im Irak war.
2012-2015 war er in Berlin für die Koordinierung der Außenwirtschaftsförderung zuständig. Seit Januar 2016 ist er Leiter der Botschaft Hanoi, Vietnam. „Die bilateralen Beziehungen beider Länder sind ebenso vielschichtig wie intensiv. 2011 haben die Führungen beider Länder eine strategische Partnerschaft vereinbart, im Rahmen derer eine Reihe von für die sozioöko-
nomische Entwicklung Vietnams bedeutsamen Projekten durchgeführt werden, darunter der Aufbau einer am deutschen Modell orientierten Universität und der Rechtsstaatsdialog. Für die Verbesserung der Rahmenbedingungen der bilateralen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen wird aktuell an der Gründung einer bilateralen AHK gearbeitet. Vielfältige Aktivitäten der in Vietnam breit aufgestellten Mittlerorganisationen setzen weitere Akzente.“