Hamburg India Business Day
08. November 2021, Hamburg & Online
The Corona pandemic has hit India's economy hard. Production bottlenecks, disrupted supply chains, increased transport costs and travel restrictions have presented companies with massive challenges. However, there are now signs of recovery, the IMF forecasts catch-up economic growth of over 10% for the current year.
Under the slogan Self-Reliant India, the Indian government is focusing its economic policy on fewer imports, more industrial production and its own domestic market. What does this mean for German companies and their Indian business partners? What opportunities and risks arise in this context?
At the "Hamburg India Business Day", high-ranking representatives from business, science and politics will discuss the implications of the new economic policy orientation. Keynote speaker Sanjeev Sanjal, Principal Economic Advisor to the Government of India, renowned economist and best-selling author, will analyze how economic reconstruction in India is taking shape.
In four breakout sessions, experts will provide information on practical business topics such as the impact of the Supply Chain Act on doing business in India, taxation and investment, innovation and green hydrogen.
The participation is free of charge. Please register here for participation. You will receive a confirmation of participation a few days before the event.