Business Seminar on Thailand’s Renewables Strategy and Hydrogen Ecosystem: Unlocking Sustainable Business and Investment Pathways to Net Zero

19. September 2024, Dresden

Join us as we explore the future of energy at the Business Seminar on Thailand's Renewable Energy Strategy and Hydrogen Ecosystem, 19 September 2024 in Dresden, Germany.  The global energy landscape is undergoing a significant transformation requiring ramping up of renewable energy, with hydrogen emerging as a key player in the transition towards a sustainable and low-carbon economy.

Thailand, recognising the potential of hydrogen, is actively developing its hydrogen sector. This includes exploring hydrogen as an alternative energy source, establishing a supportive business ecosystem for renewable energy, and focusing on human resource development to build a skilled workforce in this sector.

We invite you to be a part of this journey. Engage with experts, industry leaders, and policymakers as we chart the course for a future powered by hydrogen.


  1. To provide an overview of Thailand's current developments in renewable energy technologies and infrastructure
  2. To present the ecosystem supporting hydrogen business and investment opportunities in Thailand and Southeast Asia
  3. To discuss roles of hydrogen and renewable energy in achieving carbon neutrality in Thailand's industrial sector and how Germany can take part therein
  4. To highlight the importance of human resource development for sustaining growth in the hydrogen industry
  5. To foster collaboration and networking among businesses, investors, and policymakers of Thailand, Germany and beyond


  • Business leaders and entrepreneurs
  • Investors and venture capitalists
  • Energy and industrial sector representatives
  • Policy makers and government officials
  • Academic and research institutions
  • Media and public relations professionals