Discover Chinas’s unique Megatrends: Geopolitical Challenges for Business

28. August 2024, Online

You might ignore geopolitics – but geopolitics isn’t going to ignore you! This sentence has never been more up to date than nowadays.

Geopolitics encompasses megatrends, and the spotlight is on how they impact businesses. Engaging with China reveals its own distinctive megatrends crucial for your business relationship. Dr. Carolin Kautz from Sinovise will explain major trends in China’s political sphere and their implications for European businesses. The webinar will dissect overarching trends in domestic and international politics and society in China, shedding light on potential risks and challenges for businesses. It will also point out some key strategic considerations on how to approach political risks in business relationship with China.

We will find out how understanding the intersection of politics and business in China can offer new insights into global trends and will be searching for answers to questions like:

  • What are trade wars made from and what areas are most vulnerable to trade conflicts?
  • What has changed in China’s political landscape?

Join us for an in-depth exploration to uncover strategies that will help you navigate the complexities of China's geopolitical landscape.


  • Welcome and Introduction
  • Securitarisation of relations and weaponinzation of trade
  • International Tensions and Supply Chain Risks
  • Political Factor Party-State
  • Social Factor Reputational Risks & Social Stability
  • Q&A